● English Home Language
● Afrikaans First Additional Language
● Third Language: German/French/Sepedi etc.
● Mathematics
● Konos Unit Studies based on Godly Character Traits
● Bible
● Social Studies (Natural Science and Geography)
● Creative Arts

Prac Maths:
Sound mathematical pedagogy which combines easy to grasp examples with appilicable excercises.  These activities are excercises developed understanding skills and aknowledge mathematics, concept by concept.

Konos Unit Studies:
Konos is a curriculum of different units based on Godly Character Traits. The curriculum comprises of different themes to help students learn through experience. Konos equips the students to handle real
life situations and enables them to experience life outside the classroom.
Albert Einstein said “Experiencing is learning. Anything else is just the gathering of information.”
Literature is the foundation of the information given, however, children learn better through experience and that is why we use this versatile Christian approach.